Available PhD positions
Interested in joining the BUILD CARE project team?
PhD positions are available in the field of Architecture and Health Economics.
Click on each position for more information.

PhD position in Architecture
At KU Leuven, the Research[x]Design group is hiring a PhD researcher to investigate how informal and formal care environments support or hinder everyday life with childhood stroke. The research will be supervised by Prof. Ann Heylighen and Prof. Andrea Jelić and conducted in close collaboration with Dr. Pleuntje Jellema.

PhD position in Health Economics
At TU Wien, the Institute of Spatial Planning is hiring a PhD researcher to investigate the economic consequences of childhood stroke for the affected families as well as the healthcare system. The research will be supervised by Assistant Prof. Anna-Theresa Renner and Prof. Michael Getzner at the Department of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy.

PhD position in Architecture
At TU Wien, the Institute for Architecture and Design hiring a PhD researcher to investigate how formal healthcare facilities are designed and adapted in use to care for those affected by childhood stroke. The research will be supervised by Assistant Prof. Maja Kevdžija and Prof. Christian Kühn.